Also see, (9th March 2011)
Hanson Enters NSW Election Race
ABC March 9, 2011, 1:03 am

In 1999, The Australian reported that support for One Nation had fallen from 22 to 5 percent. She has accounted for her declining popularity by blaming Prime Minister John Howard for stealing her policies. In December 2006 The Age reported that Greens leader, Senator Bob Brown, had labelled Hanson a bloodsucker over her suggestion that Africans are bringing AIDS into Australia.
Former One Nation leader Pauline Hanson has launched a bid for an Upper House seat in the New South Wales state election. She has moved to Corlette, on the state's North Coast, and is running as part of a group of 16 independents in the March 26 poll. New South Wales Premier, Kristina Keneally, says Labor will not direct preferences to Ms Hanson under any circumstances.
Ms Keneally says her party condemns Ms Hanson's divisive approach.
"We completely condemn the sort of racist policies that she promotes," she said. "It's remarkable that in 2011 the Premier, a leader of this state, has to stand up and defend the values of multiculturalism, of diversity, but indeed with someone like Ms Hanson entering the political race, I make clear that that's precisely what I'll do.
"New South Wales is a wonderful place. It's a wonderful place because people from over 200 countries have come here and made this their home. "Our diversity is amongst our greatest strength and I'll stand up and defend that, very much so."
Last year, Ms Hanson said she was selling her home and moving to the United Kingdom, but she later reversed her decision. She made her name as the independent member for Oxley in Queensland between 1996 and 1998, during which time she set up One Nation. Ms Hanson launched a failed bid for a seat in the 2009 Queensland elections, where she gained 21 per cent of the vote in the seat of Beaudesert. She last tried for an Upper House seat in 2003.
[Note: Feeling LONELY in the UK, without being able to freely insult others with her 'racist remarks' ??! ]
(9th March 2011)
Carbon Tax ad Campaign Possible
AAP March 9, 2011, 6:47 am
Prime Minister Julia Gillard is not ruling out launching a taxpayer-funded advertising campaign to better sell her carbon tax. Opposition Leader Tony Abbott said he suspects it's on the cards given Labor's recent slump in the polls - an apparent backlash to the proposed tax.
Ms Gillard, currently on a week-long visit of the United States, would neither confirm nor deny the move. "Look, on government advertising, from time to time we advertise to get necessary information to people," she told ABC Television on Tuesday.
"I'm not going to rule in or rule out government advertising in the future." Ms Gillard met for talks with US president Barack Obama earlier in the day and confirmed climate change was on the agenda. She insists Australia will go ahead on a carbon price, even if the US does not, potentially reducing the international trade market for emissions permits.