(9th March 2011)
Police Roll Out Hidden Van Cameras
Police Roll Out Hidden Van Cameras
RONAN O'CONNELL, The West Australian March 9, 2011, 2:25 am

Speed cameras hidden in parked police vans are being rolled out across WA as part of an aggressive speed enforcement strategy. Insp. Colin Murray said a trial of the new tactic had been successful and police had two vans equipped with cameras on the road, with plans to introduce four more vans in the coming months.
It is the first use of covert speed cameras since the 1990s, when police used a similar set-up involving cameras in a van. The van-based cameras are the latest speed enforcement technology to be rolled out in the past year following the introduction of integrated red-light and speed camera systems at intersections and dual-lens speed cameras which photograph front and rear number plates.
Insp. Murray said the van-based devices were more efficient than the usual roadside cameras because they were constantly set up and ready for use. Older-style cameras had to be assembled and taken apart outside the vehicle. He said this made the new ones safer for operators to use because they did not have to spend time assembling them by the roadside near passing cars. By being housed inside a van, the $160,000 cameras were protected from damage.

Speed cameras hidden in parked police vans are being rolled out across WA as part of an aggressive speed enforcement strategy. Insp. Colin Murray said a trial of the new tactic had been successful and police had two vans equipped with cameras on the road, with plans to introduce four more vans in the coming months.
It is the first use of covert speed cameras since the 1990s, when police used a similar set-up involving cameras in a van. The van-based cameras are the latest speed enforcement technology to be rolled out in the past year following the introduction of integrated red-light and speed camera systems at intersections and dual-lens speed cameras which photograph front and rear number plates.
Insp. Murray said the van-based devices were more efficient than the usual roadside cameras because they were constantly set up and ready for use. Older-style cameras had to be assembled and taken apart outside the vehicle. He said this made the new ones safer for operators to use because they did not have to spend time assembling them by the roadside near passing cars. By being housed inside a van, the $160,000 cameras were protected from damage.
[Note: Its TIME consumer and road users PAID for these expensive cameras !]
Monash University researcher Max Cameron recommended the use of covert speed cameras along with fixed, overt and point-to-point cameras in a State Governmentcommissioned report released in 2008. Queensland and Victoria have used speed cameras inside vehicles for several years and NSW recently reintroduced them.
Monash University researcher Max Cameron recommended the use of covert speed cameras along with fixed, overt and point-to-point cameras in a State Governmentcommissioned report released in 2008. Queensland and Victoria have used speed cameras inside vehicles for several years and NSW recently reintroduced them.
[Note: Doesn't meant that something has been in used for several years, necessarily means that it is absolutely correct, and should not be scrapped].
Shadow police minister Margaret Quirk said police were focusing too much on covert cameras and needed to invest in point-to-point cameras, which can be placed up to 30km apart on highways and country roads and measure a vehicle's average speed between two spots.
"Individuals need to realise that when they choose to speed, they are risking not only their own life but the lives of other road users," he said. "My advice is simple - 'Don't speed and you won't be fined."
Shadow police minister Margaret Quirk said police were focusing too much on covert cameras and needed to invest in point-to-point cameras, which can be placed up to 30km apart on highways and country roads and measure a vehicle's average speed between two spots.
"Individuals need to realise that when they choose to speed, they are risking not only their own life but the lives of other road users," he said. "My advice is simple - 'Don't speed and you won't be fined."
Yap... absolutely a VERY good way to make money... Just fine the poor driver (who has families to feed) for at least $200, $300, up to $700 (depending on the charges) for speed driving.
Doesn't the police or government know that a common worker only earns so little from his salaries, only to be taken away by the police, just for exceeding a few kilometers more (speed fine). And who says the cameras are always correct?!
What is the philosophy behind the Traffic Police Department? Is it to make money and more MONEY... or to educate the public?! IF education is the KEY... then keep the strategy straight and place the CAMERA and more NOTICE to help REMIND motorists to be careful of their SPEED limits (as opposed to 'hidden' speed camera!).
Note: Also the way these cameras are covertly placed, example, down a slope road, necessarily means that cars can simply increase in speed even without the driver pressing on the accelerator, or realising that their car speed has increased (due to the sloping hill road).