Monday, February 28, 2011

Martin Bryant and Port Arthur Killings !
(28 Feb 2011)

Martin Bryant's mother defends her son
AAP February 28, 2011, 6:02 am

Martin Bryant's mother believes that if his father had not committed suicide then the 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Tasmania would not have happened. Carleen Bryant spoke about her son on Channel 9's 60 Minutes on Sunday night where she was asked what her dead husband, Maurice, would have thought of the Port Arthur murders that her son was convicted of. "Well I don't believe it would have happened," she answered.

Martin Bryant entered the Broad Arrow cafe at the historic Port Arthur site where he opened fire and killed 35 people on April 28, 1996. He is currently serving 35 life sentences in Risdon prison just outside of Hobart.

His mother, who is the only person who visits Bryant, admits that he was an "annoying" and "different" child. She said that she often found Bryant's toys broken and didn't know if it was through temper or frustration.

Bryant was diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome three years ago and is overweight from medication and lack of exercise. Bryant has never spoken about the events of the massacre to Carleen, who said in the interview that she believes he is innocent.


Martin Bryant (born 7 May 1967) is an Australian convicted murderer serving 35 life sentences in a Tasmanian prison. He was convicted of murdering 35 people and injuring 21 others in the Port Arthur massacre, a shooting spree in Port Arthur, Tasmania in 1996. He is currently serving 35 life sentences plus 1,035 years without parole in the psychiatric wing of Risdon Prison in Hobart. His rampage ranks among the deadliest of the 20th century.



Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hospital Staff Resign Over Toilet Miscarriage!


In Developing countries, such as, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, and Malaysia to name a few, hospital staff that once in a while 'ignored' patients at the Emergency Unit (at Hospital) sometimes do happened. But we are talking about the scenario in the Developing countries, and not that of the Developed nations, like Australia, or UK, or USA, which are listed as among the 'World Most Liveable Cities'.... Or is it?!

ABC February 18, 2011, 5:44 pm

Frankston Hospital in Melbourne's south has accepted the resignations of two staff members after a woman miscarried in an emergency room toilet. Tracey Lake, 41, lost her baby after waiting several hours to see a doctor earlier this month.

The two staff members had been stood down on full pay last night (FULL pay or Unpaid Leave, something to look into?!). Three other staff members are being counselled. The hospital concedes it did not provide Ms Lake with adequate care and says clinical procedures will now be changed.

The hospital has also reviewed and revised all policies for dealing with women in an early stage of pregnancy. Peninsula Health chief executive Sherene Devanesen says other cases of inappropriate care at the hospital have also come to light since Ms Lake's miscarriage and these are also being reviewed. The State Government says it is pleased with the hospital's response ('Other cases' here may means that there are some more 'overlooked' cases).

Ms Lake, who was 10 to 12 weeks pregnant, went to the hospital's emergency department after she started to bleed on February 9. She says she gave staff at the triage desk a note from her doctor, saying she had a threatened miscarriage, but the letter was never read (!!).

After waiting an hour to be seen, the bleeding increased and Ms Lake later miscarried in the hospital's toilet. Health Minister David Davis has described the incident as appalling and unacceptable (So who is going to pay for the 'damages'? Compensations?!).


Saturday, February 5, 2011

Floods, Cyclone and Heatwave in Australia !


Worst floods ever that hit Queensland, then came the Cyclone Yasi, I reckon too much water in Queensland, BUT in Sydney, NSW, the weather is pretty hot, so much so that it was claimed the hottest weather (heatwave) ever that hit Sydney in 150 years and set a new record ! What an extreme weather mate !!

Pretty not the place I want to live, work and play! So you see, its not all heaven for everyone?!
By Vincent Morello, AAP February 5, 2011, 7:46 pm

Sydney's heatwave has shattered a 150-year-old record, but the big sweat isn't over yet. In dozens of suburbs on Saturday the temperature soared into the mid to high 30s for the sixth day running and over much of NSW.

As thousands flocked to beaches and the harbour foreshores to cool off, the mercury climbed above the 38-degree mark while Observatory Hill recorded a peak of 41.5 degrees. Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) senior forecaster Neale Fraser said that Saturday was officially the sixth successive day that the Sydney area had sweltered in 30-plus temperatures.

Since records were first kept in 1858, Sydney had never experienced such consistently high temperatures. "We've had runs of hot weather for three or four days but you get a southerly change that keeps it below 30 then it warms up again," Mr Fraser told AAP.

The previous record was five straight days. Richmond, in Sydney's northwest, broke its own record with seven days straight of 35-plus degree heat. "And chances are they'll break that again tomorrow (Sunday)," he said.

Mr Fraser said the greater Sydney area might also break the record again on Sunday. "There's a southerly buster coming tomorrow morning but before that arrives we'll probably hit 30 again," he said. Temperatures also hit the high 30s and low 40s in suburbs stretching from the Hunter Valley to Illawarra.

The heat led to another spate of bushfires and more health warnings. The Rural Fire Service (RFS) began battling a blaze at Megalong Valley, in the NSW Blue Mountains, about midday (AEDT). Emergency services were also fighting a small fire at Morisset on the NSW central coast. The RFS had already attended more than 100 bush and grass fires this week.

The west/northwest winds also brought high humidity courtesy of Cyclone Yasi that hammered north Queensland, reducing the fire risk. "The saving grace was the amount of moisture in the air," Mr Fraser said.

Total fire bans were in place on Saturday across the Central Ranges, Greater Sydney Region and Greater Hunter districts. The Ambulance Service of NSW urged beachgoers to take extra care, saying there has been a 10 per cent increase in drownings and near-drowning incidents this summer. There were 162 such incidents in January compared with 75 in the same month of 2010. NSW Health said 62 people had been treated in emergency departments for heat-related illness in the past six days.

. (5 Feb 2011)

More storms, floods tipped for Queensland

By Stephen Johnson From: AAP February 04, 2011 5:12PM

QUEENSLANDERS should brace for more ferocious storms and floods in the wake of Cyclone Yasi, climate researchers say. Warmer temperatures are expected to produce more intense torrential downpours, particularly in the state's tropical north.

"For Queensland, this is likely to spell storms and floods of increasing ferocity over a greater part of the state," The Climate Institute says in a fact sheet released today.

The think tank's chief executive John Connor is calling for urgent measures to arrest global warming as north Queensland recovers from the category five cyclone. "Sadly, Australia must prepare for more of these types of catastrophic events and even greater extremes as climate change drives more frequent and more intense wild weather," he said

The January floods in Queensland and the 2009 Black Saturday bushfires in Victoria have been linked with warmer conditions brought on by carbon emissions.

Record hot spells in central Australia are also symptomatic of global warming, the institute says. A fortnight of temperatures above 40 degrees at Yulara, near Uluru, during January has been cited as an example of extreme weather.


Australia Threathens by Inflation
(5 Feb 2011)

Australia diancam inflasi

SYDNEY 4 Feb. - Australia diancam inflasi dan kehilangan hasil eksport selepas mengalami kerugian pertanian berjumlah A$800 juta (RM2.48 bilion) berikutan Taufan Yasi, demikian menurut penganalisis. Kerosakan dua komoditi utama pertanian di Queensland iaitu tebu dan pisang membawa kepada kerugian berjumlah A$1.4 bilion (RM4.34) sejak bencana alam melanda negara ini enam minggu lalu.

Queensland masih mengalami kesan akibat banjir terburuk yang memusnahkan tanaman dianggar bernilai A$600 juta (RM1.86 bilion) dan juga mengurangkan eksport arang batu kepada A$2.5 bilion (RM7.75 bilion).

Kira-kira 20 peratus tanaman tebu di wilayah itu musnah akibat Taufan Yasi, kerugian kira-kira A$500 juta (RM1.55 bilion) yang memerlukan beberapa tahun untuk pulih, kata kumpulan industri, Canegrowers. Australia merupakan pengeksport gula ketiga terbesar di dunia dengan 85 peratus produknya dieksport ke Asia termasuk ke Jepun, China dan Korea dengan nilai tahunan berjumlah A$2 bilion (RM6.2 bilion).

Harga gula yang ketika ini tinggi ekoran kekurangan bekalan kerana bencana alam, terus meningkat apabila Taufan Yasi melanda kelmarin. Penganalisis Bank Commonwealth, Luke Mathews berkata, harga pada tahap tertentu akan mengimbangi pengeluaran rendah tetapi beliau memberi amaran pendapatan daripada eksport gula akan hilang sebanyak A$500 juta (RM1.55 bilion).

Ketua Persekutan Petani, Dan Galligan berkata, sehingga 85 peratus tanaman pisang musnah akibat taufan berkenaan. ''Mereka masih mengira kerosakan yang berlaku, namun kami menganggar hampir semua musnah dan kerugian bernilai kira-kira A$300 juta (RM930 juta),'' katanya.

Mathews berkata, bencana alam itu menyebabkan kadar inflasi meningkat kira-kira 0.5 peratus lagi. Setiausaha Perbendaharan, Wayne Swan memberi amaran inflasi akan meningkat pada bulan-bulan akan datang sekiranya kekurangan bekalan makanan akibat banjir meningkatkan harga barangan, manakala Canberra terpaksa berbelanja sebanyak A$5.6 bilion (RM17,36 bilion) untuk membersihkan kerosakan akibat bencana alam. - AFP

(4 Feb 2011)

Inflation’s First Phase

By Chris Mayer • February 4th, 2011 •
About the Author:
Chris Mayer is a veteran of the banking industry, specifically in the area of corporate lending. A financial writer since 1998, Mr. Mayer's essays have appeared in a wide variety of publications, from the Daily Article series to here in The Daily Reckoning. He is the editor of Mayer's Special Situations and Capital and Crisis - formerly the Fleet Street Letter.

The year 2011 is the year when inflation will play the role of wrecking ball. It seems to threaten everything from emerging markets to the pretty earnings narrative of the market as a whole.

I use the term "inflation" here as the man on the street does. It is when prices for most everything go up. It is not the best definition, because it obscures the reason why prices for most everything go up in the first place. The reason is that governments everywhere can't help but print lots of money. But let us not wander off course. It is what it is.

Instead, let's think about the big emerging markets for a moment. They have been so important to the investment story of the last decade, for sure. Yet rising food and energy prices pose a big risk to them.

In India, food prices are at their highest levels in more than a year, rising 18%. The dabbawalla, when he is done delivering lunchboxes, trots off to the market and finds that the price of onions has doubled in only a few months. Even the basics, like potatoes, have become expensive to the average Indian.

One 54-year-old cloth trader in Mumbai complained: "It seems everything is going up in price, from vegetable and meat to diesel and household cooking gas. We are always worried as to what is next." Food prices are again becoming a serious issue, as they did in 2008 when the last food crisis brought riots in 30 countries all over the world. The UN tracks an index of 55 food commodities. It rose for the sixth straight month and is, in fact, above the previous high in June 2008.

In China, the typical Chinese also faces rising prices for nearly everything. The official inflation rate recently hit a 28-month high. But it's the surging price of coal that may prove to be China's Achilles' heel, at least in the short term. Coal is what powers the great boom in China. And coal is at two-year highs.

The basics like food and energy are like brakes on these economies. I think it would be surprising if, say, China could continue to grow 8% a year in a world of $100 oil - at least initially. (Solutions are found, in time.) Of course, the US and the more mature economies are not immune to rising food and energy prices, either.
