Saturday, April 23, 2011

ILLEGAL Immigrants Protest on Rooftop !


I am an immigrant too, but I am a professional, and usually professional like myself think twice or more, before making the choice to come to Australia. Why? Because I have my families to worry (will they find the Western culture welcoming, will they find the home food and other ingredients that they needed for their cooking), I have my children future to worry (whether they will get enough religious education and good environment to grow up, one that is free from drugs influence, bullying, alcoholism, etc.), then I have myself to worry, will I be able to secure a decent job opportunity, one that has a good working environment, one that has minimal racism abuse, and so forth. And I definitely will arrive in a good workable aeroplane (not in an insecure boat ride).

Also a professional will contribute to the development and progress of Australia, in term of economic development, cultural diversity and understanding, and even science and medical development (if he possesses medical skills) - See ALL the differences (between a professional and a junky) ?!

[Note: Also see Australia Immigration Policy on Foreign Professional]

So, it is RIGHT that Australia refuse entry to these illegal immigrants, I am a fair man, and I speak fairly, IF these illegal immigrants create trouble (or IF anyone is a trouble maker, Australian or not), then he/she should be dealt with, in accordance to the law of the state. Just send these illegal immigrants back to where they belongs, it’s the 21st century, it’s the new millennium, and government around the world don’t just prosecute them, least they themselves are the ‘criminals’ and running away from the law (and migrate to Australia; Putting the life of their wives, children, and themselves in a little boat, on the high sea; How can that be morally good ?!). (23 April 2011)

Food Denied to Rooftop Protesters: Witnesses
ABC April 23, 2011, 8:04 am

As a protest enters its fourth day at Sydney's Villawood detention centre, police are reportedly no longer allowing food to be thrown to the four asylum seekers still on a roof at the facility. A witness at the scene also says ambulance workers have stopped supplying the men with food and water, while guards have been using loud speakers overnight to keep the men awake.

Twenty-two detainees were yesterday taken to Silverwater Prison in Sydney's west for questioning over this week's riot. Police say they have not yet made any arrests or laid charges. The Australian Federal Police says its emphasis is on the security and safety of the protesters and that no further comment is appropriate.

The men are believed to be protesting against their failed visa applications. The protest reached its peak when a small protest on Wednesday afternoon developed into a full-scale riot in which close to 100 asylum seekers burned down nine buildings at the centre. A computer room, kitchen and medical centre were destroyed by fire and a large gas cylinder also exploded. A former Villawood guard told ABC Television's Lateline program on Thursday that problems at the Sydney centre have been building for some time and he is not surprised about the riots.

In a statement, Serco, the private operator of detention centres in Australia, acknowledged an increased number of arrivals and longer periods of detention have placed significant pressures on their operations. The company said it has provided additional training to staff beyond contractual requirements and has invested $1.5 million in staff training.

Villawood is the second Australian immigration detention centre to be set on fire this year. A Federal Government-ordered review into riots at the Christmas Island centre in March, which saw tear gas and bean bag rounds being fired at asylum seekers, will now also investigate the Villawood protests.